شعر و ادب

“Get Close,” written by Bakri Dardir

“Get Close,” written by Bakri Dardir
come close
Let me sip love

from the river of your eyes

come closer

Do not hesitate

I want to make you feel my tenderness

I love my love

How much I love you

Come on baby girl

I embrace you with longing and tenderness

Come, my love, do not be afraid

You are time and space

come closer
I am a cup of coffee
I opened my lap
So melt in me
Like cutting sugar

How I long to hold you

Between the roses of love

O most beautiful soul

I lived inside the heart

I play the chord of love

Loudly and madly dancing with you

on the musical stage

come closer

I will whisper love

From the depths of my stillness

“come close”

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