شعر و ادب

The sun of my life… Written by the journalist Bakri Dardir

The sun of my life…
Written by the journalist Bakri Dardir
The sun of my life
Oh my sunshine
The flame of my longing
And subjective
You announced
Love Banner
in the grooves of the air
light me up
dark path
I recited my stories
I declared my heart
The love
in Hawaii
If love
I announced
Disobey me
If it was love
What a beautiful addiction
in Shatt
Your anchor
If the love
. I will never give up
about madness
Pulsating ignites
My heart beats
your love
running in my veins
I will write in the first line
I love you
And in the second
I adore you
And in the third
I wander in the sea of your whim
And draw a heart in it
He fails badly
I will write your name
And next to it is my name
As if they were lovers
They are conversing
Then I collect my papers
In my heart and between my ribs
And I collect my dreams
To see you in my sleep
Oh melody charmed me
All tunes agreed
I love you.

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